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Link Insertion – Aqui.Madrid




Aqui.Madrid is an independent media outlet based in the Community of Madrid, focusing on events and issues across Spain and the wider world. The site aims to provide “journalism for all,” offering a wide range of content including news, opinion pieces, cultural insights, and in-depth articles on local and international affairs. Aqui.Madrid stands out for its comprehensive coverage of various topics, from local cultural events in Madrid to broader political and social developments affecting the region and beyond. The platform engages readers with both informative and thought-provoking content, catering to a diverse audience interested in understanding the complexities of contemporary issues.

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Aqui.Madrid es una plataforma de noticias en línea. El sitio cubre una amplia gama de temas, incluidas noticias locales, cultura, política, deportes y eventos comunitarios. Tiene otras dos áreas geográficas dedicadas a España y a Europa y Mundo.

Dedica también un espacio Miscelanea dedicado a la vida social, y oferta de productos y servicios.

Texto e imagen remitidos por el cliente.

Los textos deben ser informativos y la extensión máxima debe rondar las 800 palabras y se pueden insertar hasta dos enlaces dofollow al sitio del cliente.

Podemos hacernos cargo de la redacción del texto con una tarifa adicional de $20.

Los contenidos relacionados con temas grises tienen una tasa adicional de $5 y los lectores tendrán que indicar que son mayores de edad


La permanencia de los artículos en nuestras páginas está garantizada durante al menos tres años.

Ahrefs DR




Moz DA


Organic Traffic (greater than, per-month)


Agriculture, Animals and Pets, Art, Automobiles, Beauty, Books, Business, Career and Employment, Children, Computers, Construction and Repairs, Culture, E-commerce, Education, Entertainment, Environment, Equipment, Fashion, Finance, Food, Gadgets, Games, Gardening, Hardware Development, Health, Home and Family, Humor, Internet, Law, Leisure and Hobbies, Lifestyle, Literature, Manufacturing, Marketing and Advertising, Men, Miscellaneous, Mobile, Movies, Music, Nature, News and Media, Personal Blogs, Photography, Places, Politics, Programming, Public Service, Real Estate, Science, Shopping, Social Media, Society, Software Development, Sports, Startups, Sustainability, Technology, Transport, Traveling, Web Development, Women

Semrush DA

Spam Score

Grey Niches Accepted

Casino/Betting/Gambling, Cryptocurrency, Dating/Adult, Drugs/Detox, Essay Writing


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